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Organic Wood Pressed Yellow Mustard OIL (1L)

Organic Wood Pressed Yellow Mustard OIL (1L)

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₹ 479 ₹ 599 (20% off)

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"The Mustard Magic: Wood Pressed Goodness".

  • (₹59.9 /100 ml)
  • Net Quantity: 1000ml
  • Package: Glass Jar
  • Shelf life: 12 months
  • Storage: Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality.


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"The Mustard Magic: Wood Pressed Goodness".

  • (₹59.9 /100 ml)
  • Net Quantity: 1000ml
  • Package: Glass Jar
  • Shelf life: 12 months
  • Storage: Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality.

The age-old tradition of extracting oil using wooden cold-press methods. This process involves carefully crushing mustard seeds without exposing them to excessive heat or chemicals.

Traditional Wood Pressing Method: Our Mustard Oil is extracted using the age-old method of wooden pressing. Wooden crushers extract the oil, ensuring that it retains its nutritional value and unique flavor. This traditional process has been trusted for generations for its effectiveness in producing high-quality mustard oil.

Purity and Quality: Our Wood Pressed Mustard Oil is sourced from the finest mustard seeds, ensuring the highest quality and purity. It is cold-pressed using traditional wooden crushers, preserving the natural essence of the oil. This process ensures that you receive a product free from chemical additives and artificial flavors.

Nutrient-Rich: Mustard oil is well-known for its health benefits and is packed with essential nutrients. Our wood-pressed mustard oil preserves these nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which contribute to heart health, skin nourishment, and overall well-being.

Storage Instructions: To maintain the freshness and quality of our Wood Pressed Mustard Oil, store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Proper storage helps retain the oil's original aroma and flavor. It's advisable to keep the bottle tightly sealed to prevent oxidation.


Wood pressed mustard oil is produced by crushing the seeds using a conventional wooden press. The mustard seeds are crushed in a traditional wooden press to create wood pressed oil. This process is time consuming and labor intensive, the oil it produces is more flavorful and aromatic. It is extracted at room temperature below 50 degrees centigrade. While machine pressed mustard oil is produced using modern equipment and chemicals. The normal machinery temperature for extracting mustard oil depends on the method used, but typically it falls within the range of 100-150 degrees centigrade.

Shelf life: 6 months from packaging Store it in an air tight container for better shelf life.

Yes, in fact it is the common ingredient in Indian cooking. As it has a high smoke point, you can use wood pressed mustard oil for cooking, frying, stir frying, roasting, sauteing, and so on.

It is available in 1000 ml.

It is 100% pure, chemical free, preservative free and healthy. Apart from cooking you can use this oil for hair and body massage, treating wounds, skincare, etc.

Yes, it is. Some common benefits of wood pressed mustard oil are:  It boosts immunity.  It improves digestion.  It prevents premature aging.  It helps control cholesterol, blood pressure & blood sugar.  It helps fight viral and bacterial infections.

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